Nikkei scholarship entry form
You are kindly asked to read and indicate your agreement with the following “Notice on our policy of personal information” before you make inquiries or request for information.
1.Intended use of personal information Personal information will only be used for purposes pertaining to Nikkei Scholarship “Dream Come True Project”
※ When applying to call, specific and sensitive personal information such as health certificate, will be used for this purpose.
2. Furnishing it to third parties
For the above purpose, the secretariat will submit the all items that have been personal information in writing to The Nippon Foundation (Nippon Zaidan).
Of the above-mentioned purpose, the secretariat will submit the items that need to arrange transportation personal information in writing to travel agencies for the purpose of the traffic arrangements: name, address, etc.
3. Consignment of personal information
The secretariat will implement and appropriate monitoring to ensure that the company handling the personal information manages it in a safe and secure manner.
4.Correction, disclosure or stoppage of use of personal information
All applicants have the following rights with regard to their own personal information, which can be exercised by contacting the Association of Nikkei & Japanese Abroad: the right to request notification on purposes of use; disclosure of personal information; correction, addition or deletion; and stoppage of use, destruction or stoppage of provision to a third party of personal information. If such a request is received by the Association, providing that there are no legal stipulations to the contrary, once the identity of the person making the request has been confirmed the Association will respond to the request within a reasonable time frame. Any such requests should be directed to the contact below, in writing or by e-mail.
5. If personal information is not provided, it may not be possible to register as an applicant.
6. Personal data will not be collected via cookies, web beacons, etc. We do not collect personal data by way of technology which the person can not recognize it.
7.Contact for Inquiries about Personal Information
[Management person of personal information]Director, General Affairs Division
[Contact concerning personal information]
Office for Grievance and Consultation on Personal Information Department of General Affairs
The Association of Nikkei & Japanese Abroad
JICA Yokohama 2F, 2-3-1, Shinko, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa, 231-0001, Japan
TEL.045-211-1780 FAX:045-211-1781
■Please submit an application form for participation if you agree to the above provisions pertaining to handling of personal information.
The Asociation of Nikkei & Japanese Abroad
<Management person of personal information>
Director, General affairs division
2-3-1, Shinko, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa, 231-0001,JAPAN
E-mail: info*
(Please change * to @,when you send a E-mail to us. We’re very sorry for inconvenient to prevent from annoying E-mails.)