Inquiry(Nikkei Scholarship “Dream Come True Project”)
You are kindly asked to read and indicate your agreement with the following “Notice on our policy of personal information” before you make inquiries or request for information.
Notice on our policy of personal information
The Association of Nikkei & Japanese Abroad shall observe the regulations stipulated in its policy on the protection of personal information in handling personal information collected from each individual.1. Collecting personal information
The Association collects and uses personal information in a fair and just manner within permissible limits required for the Association’s business activities. In case when the Association collects any personal information, it shall specify and at the same time express clearly its intended use.2. Option in providing information
Each person is given an option to decide whether he/she agrees to provide his/her personal information. However, in case when the person concerned fails to provide necessary information, he/she may be unable to receive information from the Association or excluded from the list of applicants.3. Intended use of personal information
The Association shall handle necessary personal information in order to execute its business activities regulated by donation. At the same time, the Association may use the personal information collected from each individual within the scope required for sending information and notices pertaining to various events held by the Association, various application procedures, requests for questionnaires and surveys, various types of consultation, replies to inquiries, and notice on a meeting or seminar.It may be also used on printed matters such as various business reports and name lists distributed to the directors, councilors and committee members of the Association and implementing organizations of and lecturers for training.
The Association shall use personal information in a procedure of employment as information on applicants when the Association employs a regular employee, a contract staff member, a temporary employee or a part-time worker.
4. Using personal information beyond the bounds of its intended use or furnishing it to third parties
The Association shall not use personal information collected from each individual beyond the bounds of its intended use or release or furnish it to a third party except for the case when the Association has prior consent from the individual concerned or within regulations stipulated in the pursuant laws.However, under the Personal Information Protection Law, a specific person/entity is considered to be a third person only when personal data are used jointly. The Law provides that a joint user of personal information (or personal data) shall not be defined as a third person when the individual concerned is notified in advance or he/she is in a position to be able to have knowledge readily about the following issues (in 4-3 in Article 23).
The Association hereby expresses publicly that it shall use personal data jointly with specified persons/entities as follows.
(1)Content and purpose of joint business
The Association shall use personal information jointly in order to execute its business activities smoothly in its contract projects or its own projects for extending its support to Nikkei and Japanese abroad.
(2)Items of personal data to be used jointly
They include name, age, nationality, sex, company and position, address and telephone number.
(3)Scope of the joint user
The scope shall be limited to the contractor who commissions its project to the Association, the organization which implements training, and organizations which participate in the Association’s projects.
(4)Intended use
In order to execute business regulated in the donation of the Association, it shall try to implement a project and its aftercare duties smoothly by sharing personal information with an organization with which the project is jointly carried out.
(5)Names of persons/entities responsible for the management of personal information
(Sendee of information): Each organization where training is conducted; organization related to the Association’s project; Japan International Cooperation Agency; Ministry of Foreign Affairs: and prefectural governments
(Sender of information): The Association for Nikkei & Japanese Abroad: Japan International Cooperation Agency; Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare; and The Japan Foundation
5. Security measures for personal information
The Association shall put personal information under proper management through taking information protection measures, in particular, security measures to ensure the accuracy and security of personal information and also to prevent illegal access to, loss, destruction, falsification and leak of personal information.6. Outsourcing the work
There is a case in which the Association entrusts the management of personal information to an outside organization in order to execute its intended use. In that case as well, the Association shall select an organization that meets necessary standards of personal information protection and sign a memorandum concerning the protection of personal information with the organization concerned, thereby managing and supervising the handling of personal information.7. Correction, disclosure and suspense of use of personal information
(1) When an individual wishes to correct, add or delete his/her personal information registered with the Association, he/she is asked to send a notice in writing or e-mail to the office mentioned below. The person in charge shall take a necessary procedure to meet the request as soon as possible.(2) When an individual wishes to disclose his/her personal information registered with the Association, in principle, it shall release the personal information concerned without delay provided that there is no special reason such as disturbing the proper implementation of the Association’s work. When the individual wishes to cease the use of or delete his/her personal information, the request shall be met as quickly as possible within reasonable limit after the request has been confirmed.
8. Personal data will not be collected via cookies, web beacons, etc. We do not collect personal data by way of technology which the person can not recognize it.
Please send a notice in writing or email to the following address when you wish to release, cease the use of or delete your personal information.
<Management person of personal information>
Director, General affairs division
<Contact concerning personal information>
Office for Grievance and Consultation on Personal Information
Department of General Affairs
The Association of Nikkei & Japanese Abroad
(231-0001) c/o Yokohama Office of JICA
2-3-1, Shin-minato, Naka-ku, Yokohama
Tel: 045-211-1780
Fax: 045-211-1781
Email address:
Please confirm the above content before you provide your personal information to the Association and provide it only upon agreement.
The Asociation of Nikkei & Japanese Abroad
<Management person of personal information>
Director, General affairs division
2-3-1, Shinko, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa, 231-0001,JAPAN
E-mail: info*
(Please change * to @,when you send a E-mail to us. We’re very sorry for inconvenient to prevent from annoying E-mails.)